About Us
CouponSlasher.com is the world’s best online source for savvy and discount hunters who love to save money online. CouponSlasher.com was launched in 2015 with a vision to help consumers save money on their online purchases and becoming a liaison for consumers and merchants. CouponSlasher.com is not just a simple website like all other coupon websites, it is a place where all the team members and staff work so hard to search latest coupon codes, discount deals, promotional codes, clearance sales, free shipping and lots of other special offers just for the people like you.
Not only does CouponSlasher.com provide the consumer with a great online experience, it also helps savvy & smart buyers save money on their online shopping. With over 4,000 premium online stores and more than 20,000 discount coupons listed, CouponSlasher.com is the best online source for finding free shipping, discounts, dollar-off, percentage-off promotions 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Online shopping gets more advantageous than ever during the upcoming holiday and seasonal promotions. Sitting at home and without all the hassle of mall shopping and parking, shoppers can receive substantial online savings through CouponSlasher.com.